Obituary Options

Honor your departed one with an obituary the whole world will remember. Our technology solutions use economically proven and tested methods to ensure your loved one's digital resting place stands the test of time, no matter what happens to our company.



Using 21st century technology to facilitate permanence of your loved one's digital resting place.

Featured on EternalPage website & directory

International access

Secured by cloud infrastructure securing $1 billion+ of digital assets

Delivered by email

72 hours or less for delivery

Silver Standard


Upgrading your security, and the odds of your page surviving decades.

"Standard" package, plus...

Enhanced security: secured by cloud infrastructure securing $5 billion+ of digital assets

Search engine search and discoverability

Photo album up to 5 photos

48 hours or less for delivery

Gold Standard


Ensure, and have peace of mind, that your page is a relic forever for future historians.

"Silver Standard" package, plus...

Enhanced security: secured by over 15,000 computers securing $1 trillion in assets

Professional personal assistant software to assist with writing your obituary; tailored to your personal needs

24 hours or less for delivery